Mejores restaurantes en Granada Nicaragua, Restaurantes en Granada Nicaragua, Cigars in Granada Nicaragua, tienda de puros en Granada Nicaragua, best restaurants near Granada Nicaragua, steak house in Granada Nicaragua, Mejor carne en granada Nicaragua, top restaurants in Granada Nicaragua, Nicaraguan cigars, cigars in Nicaragua, cigar shop in Granada Nicaragua, Wine in Nicaragua, Flor de Cana, Best Steak in Granada Nicaragua, cooking classes in Granada Nicaragua, Mombacho Cigars, Elba Cigars, Mejores Restaurantes de Granada Nicaragua, Puros en Granada Nicaragua, Puros de Nicaragua, Bistro Estrada, Best Cigar Lounge in Granada Nicaragua, a donde comprar los mejores puros en granada Nicaragua, mejor restaurante en granada Nicaragua, mejor restaurante en Nicaragua, Cigar, Whisky, Wine, Rum Puros Lounge & Restaurante en Nicaragua
Not your tipical anything.
We are the place the New York Times named "most exciting restaurant restaurante en Granada, Nicaragua." an eclectic restaurant, Cigar (Mejor Seleccion de Vinos y Puros en Granada) & Martini Lounge Bar with a Wine, Liqueur and Rum Tasting Room.
Welcome to our space in the New #Nicaragua.
About us & our World of Unicorns and Rainbows
Ciudad Lounge is a style dining restaurant with a martini-wine-rum-whisky & Cigar Lounge combined.
(Do not worry; it's not your typical cigar-smoke-filled lounge with a bunch of fat cats lounging around - it's a style dining restaurant that just so happens to have the best cigar selection in Nicaragua and the appropriate design to enjoy a great dining experience with or without cigars. We are changing culinary style and service in Nicaragua.
Noemi and I [Chef Puro aka "william"] decided to leave the USA and come back to Nicaragua (William’s place of birth). After researching and studying Nicaragua for a number of years, with the belief and the calculation that without USA intervention, like in the 80's, Nicaragua would explode with tourism. We felt tourism growth would be like Costa Rica - so, we set out to create restaurants and, our latest project, an adult-only hotel near Granada - all of our projects revolve around creating jobs in tourism and teaching sense of presence, service style and honor in service to the people who work with us - to create experiences for our clients and friends.
But the real reason why we left the USA is because we were tired of running on the hamster wheel [to be fair to Noemi; mostly me] and decided to start working on our future and to change lives in Nicaragua. We have touched many lives and, in the process, ours have changed dramatically - for example: we no longer fuss about when the next iPhone is coming out, feel a little less terrorism hysteria; we, also, don't own 35 pairs of jeans, anymore, etc, etc. etc.
Since 2011, we have successfully managed and created a culinary icon in Nicaragua that has set the pace for others that have come since; the continued growth of style-dining restaurants in Granada has been our joy to see, as has been seeing many of our employees move on from Ciudad Lounge, fully trained in style and honor in service, to other establishments - where they will teach others what we thought them.
We can consult with you about creating your own restaurant in Nicaragua. Sure it can be done; one just has to have the balls.
Ciudad Lounge is a model for change in Nicaragua and we are excited to be creating and making our future here, as well as helping others be ready for the new #Nicaragua. Want to make a difference, create sustainability for families, while semi-retiring? Get in touch with us - to discuss our current projects.
( n o e m i w i l l i a m )
Where to buy Cigars in Nicaragua
Tienda de Puros en Granada Nicaragua
We are the #1 Retailer of Nicaraguan Cigars (Puros) in Granada Nicaragua
Buy a Stick to enjoy in our plush patio lounge, or pick-up a box to take to your office, or home.
We can create a great gift box for an important business associate, or family member.
Ask us to ship you1,000 or more sticks [with your own ring]
If you are new to the business, let us help you make the right connections, to begin your own product line.
Ask us about taking you on a very intimate, private tour to Estelí- A definitely unforgettable opportunity to see the Estelí
with Noemi & William that you will not see with any other "packaged" tour operator.
For more information email me at
del Hospital Viejo 2 1/2 al este
Calle La Libertad
Granada, Nicaragua
Hours/Horario 1pm to 11pm
(Closed Thursday/Cerrado Jueves)
Cooking Classes de Cocina
(505) 2552-6496